
Showing posts with the label Why Network Security Assessment for Business

Why Network Security Assessment for Business

  Because of the sheer size of the internet and the many security issues and vulnerabilities that have been published, opportunistic attackers will continue to scour the public IP address space for vulnerable hosts. The combination of new vulnerabilities exposed daily and IPv6 adoption allow opportunistic attackers to always compromise a certain percentage of Internet networks. Classification of Internet-Based Attackers At a high level, Internet-based attackers can be divided into two groups: network security assessment Opportunistic attackers scan large Internet address spaces for vulnerable systems Concentrated attackers who attack specific Internet-based systems with a specific target in mind Opportunistic threats involve attackers using persistent, automated rooting tools and scripts to compromise vulnerable systems on the Internet. Public Internet researchers have found that after deploying a vulnerable, basic-ready server setup, it is typically compromised within an hour by a...